a difference between developing innovative technology and using existing
technology innovatively, claims a tech fan.
BC: Where were you last night?
AD: Out partying with my cousin Arun...
BC: You seem to have started the New Year
celebrations rather early this year.
AD: Well, the binges began a long time ago.
We weren't sure if the world was coming to an end and hence decided not to take
BC: So who's going to take charge of technology's
safe passage into 2013 if you're going to be partying endlessly?
AD: Oh, don't worry about it. Now that your
generation has crossed over and has begun using mobiles, handicams
and iPods, it is an indication that technology's safe and sound.
BC: I don't believe you said that!
AD: Of course, a few are yet to come to
terms with how things work. I have an old aunt who chides her maid for giving her
missed calls because she thinks even missed calls to her mobile are charged.
BC: I’m speechless…
AD: Millions of Indians are, and yet manage
to keep communication going without saying a word…
BC: Sign language? SMS?
AD: No, through missed calls. You can call
it a silent revolution, but India is probably the only country where a missed
call could have so many interpretations – from ‘reached safe’ to ‘call back’ or
‘buy something on your way back’…
BC: Free but effective, huh?
AD: When it comes to using existing
technology innovatively, we seem to have a knack of finding newer ways of doing
BC: My neighbours used missed calls to
communicate specific messages - one ring to keep the tea ready, two rings to
open the door and so on.
AD: I recall my college friends who had
hired an apartment and used to program their TV to act as an alarm clock.
BC: How did they do that?
AD: By setting the timer on for a specific
time in the morning. The TV would switch on by itself and would blast in full
volume, waking up everyone in the house.
BC: It reminds me of the washing machines
in Punjab and Chandigarh that are used to make lassi!
AD: It’s hard to say which deserves more
plaudits, the lassi or the machine…
BC: What about the knife sharpener that
uses a cycle wheel? Who would have thought pedalling a cycle would result in
sharpening a knife?
AD: Looks like India's progress is truly
being made on wheels...
BC: Talking of wheels, rural India has created
its own transport based on the world's oldest set of wheels...
AD: What’s so novel about a bullock cart?
BC: Add an engine from a water pump, a
plank of wood and a set of tyres to it - and you have a multi utility vehicle for
a large family. It's called a Maruta, derived from the name Maruti.
AD: One thing seems to be common to all
these innovations - they are earthy and come from necessity.
BC: That's also proof that you don't need a
lab, a Ph. D. degree and millions of dollars of funding to innovate. All you
need is a different perspective and a drive to reach your goal.
AD: Ah, the sermon begins...
BC: No, that’s the reason why India never
feared the end of the world.
AD: Really?
BC: Absolutely! We were always confident
that even if the earth came to a standstill, we'd find a way to crank-start the
planet and keep it moving.
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