Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Get plussed, feel blessed?

So many friends, but too little time for them? Here comes along the perfect solution – another social networking site...

AD: Have you been plussed?

BC: What do you mean plussed? Such questions typically leave me nonplussed.

AD: Well, it depends on whether you have been circled…

BC: Circled? Plussed?

AD: Don’t tell me you don’t have any hangouts either…

BC: At my age, I just feel blessed that my tummy doesn’t hang out, so don’t make fun of me.

AD: So you are missing out on some serious sparks in your life…

BC: At this rate, you will be encouraging my wife to visit a marriage counsellor…

AD: No, I was merely encouraging you to visit Google Plus, the new social networking site in cybertown.

BC: Really?

AD: What do you mean, ‘really’? Haven’t you been invited to it yet?

BC: Why, is it a life-altering experience?

AD: C’mon, how can you not be a part of Google Plus? Do you know that it is growing at the rate of one million users per day and currently stands at 25 million users, as per a report released last week?

BC: Is that a big thing?

AD: Apparently Facebook took three years to get there, while Twitter took six months lesser to reach the 25 million mark…

BC: But how many more social networking sites do we need?

AD: How many are you a member of?

BC: I have hardly figured out Orkut, Facebook and Google Buzz - and Google Plus has already arrived. And I’m continuing to receive invites for several other sites like Family Tree, Friend Share, Brizy, Quepasa…

AD: Wow, you seem to be a pretty popular guy…

BC: I don’t know half the guys who send me invites. Just logging into each site, checking out comments, accepting invites and requests keeps me busy…

AD: In other words, you have no time for friends now…

BC: Yes, my head’s spinning in circles…

AD: That’s an indication that you’ve been plussed…

BC: Here we go again…

AD: Just kidding... Google Plus works with concepts like Circles, Sparks and Hangouts. You add friends to Circles, meet people at Hangouts, flag your interests under Sparks…

BC: So what do I do with all my friends, comments and images from…

AD: Hold it, I’m not asking you to move to Google Plus. Stick to whatever suits you...

BC: No, I’m just curious…

AD: Don’t be, because as with Facebook, the S word is likely to get you into a lot of trouble if you aren’t careful with it…

BC: Sanity?

AD: No, security… I had no idea that all my albums and blogs were open to anyone who added me to their circles… that was scary… I’m slowly getting the hang of the security settings in Google Plus…

BC: But what about Facebook? Aren’t you getting withdrawal symptoms?

AD: I’m active on that as well… Hey, I had a weird dream about Facebook last night.

BC: Let me guess. They had broken down the ‘walls’ and installed barbed wire instead...

AD: No, worse… Every time I tried to write on someone’s wall, I got a message that said ‘comments are closed for this section’.

BC: You must be traumatised…

AD: Right now, I'm torn between Facebook and Google Plus…

BC: Guess Google Plus has found an effective solution to that…

AD: What’s that?

BC: Well, if they keep you going around in circles, when will you have the time to write on walls?

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